Features Of Green Dinosaur Onesie For Adults And Kids
The concept of a onesie isn’t new, I am sure even if some of us don’t like wearing one as adults, chances are we were put in one when we were babies. But with so many types and styles of onesies available in the market, not trying out one of these snuggle bags would be a mistake. At any given time there are a lot of styles of onesies in trend, but the one design which doesn’t really go out of style is the Green dinosaur onesie. If you are thinking that this will make you look like the T-Rex from Jurassic Park then you may be a little off the mark. What it can do is make you look cute and keep you warm. There are dinosaur styles available so that you and your family can have your pick from them. Here are
Green Dinosaur style for adults
- Material: This onesie can be found in a variety of materials ranging from fleece, which will help you keep warm to lighter materials which will be perfect for warmer climates to hot weathers.
- Hood: On the green Dinosaur onesie you will find a hood on top which will be in the shape of the face if a dinosaur. It will also have fake scales made up of cloth folded in as scales. These class will mostly be white in color. The hood will be encompassing about three-fourths of your face, but it will make you feel cozy without being restricting.
- The body: The rest of the green dinosaur onesie suit will be cozy as well without being constricting. The onesie zips up from either front or the back and you will be encompassed in a cocoon-like structure. You shouldn’t feel claustrophobic as there’s plenty of space to move around in and this includes the feet. You can get a onesie which has the feet closed in, or you can get one with open feet. It’s all up to you.
- The tail: As one can expect from a dinosaur hoodie, this one does come with a green tail as well. This green tail will be situated on the back of the suit and it will have green scales on it too. These will be made by cloth expertly folded in the shape of triangular scales. The tail is just an extra feature to complete the external look of the suit. It isn’t empty space and is actually stuffed so you will not be able to put your arms or legs in there.
Green Dinosaur style for kids
When it comes to onesies for kids, they are catered to two ages of children- one is those who are babies and the other is for little kids. For little kids ranging from 5 and 6 to around 12 or such, the onesie found will be similar to an adult one, just smaller in size. The dino face hood will also not be covering three-fourths of the face and will instead be like a real hoodie.
For babies, green dinosaur onesies are different as they will be softer and will most likely cone without a tail so that they can lay on their backs with ease. There are some styles which have a normal hood while others don’t. It’s up to you to see what you want.
These hoodies are family friendly and can be worn by any member of your family with ease. You can have tonnes of fun in them without getting hurt at all.